Avio karte LUFTHANSA - www.putujemo.info

Lufthansa iz Londona 49 GBP

Promotivne cene avio karata iz Londona, od 24 do 26 februara 2012.

Europe from GBP49: Many great destinations, many more seats

From February, 24th until February, 26th 2012 Lufthansa is offering a Weekend Special with attractive prices for flights on selected routes. Promote these special prices and benefit from higher conversion rates.
Departure airports in the UK are: Aberdeen, Birmingham, Edinburgh, London Heathrow and Manchester.

Germany from £ 49

One way flights


from £ 49


from £ 49


from £ 49

Return flights


from £ 89


from £ 89


from £ 89

Europe from £ 179


from £ 179


from £ 179


from £ 179

The booking period for this special offer is between February, 24th until February, 26th 2012.

rezervišite direktno na sajtu Lufthanse: Fly in comfort with Lufthansa

Vi ste ovde: putujemo.info AVIO KARTE SUPER PONUDE LUFTHANSA Lufthansa iz Londona 49 GBP